Friday, January 22, 2010

Shower Door To Ceiling Bathroom Ceiling Has Moisture On It; Long After The Shower Was Used.?

Bathroom ceiling has moisture on it; long after the shower was used.? - shower door to ceiling

Always leave the bathroom door, if not do it. I know that moisture can be good, what can I do?


Corey D said...

Inadequate ventilation. The air in the room and disappear, except of course when the shower is used, even if done correctly, you can eliminate the accumulation of moisture. Easy

jekin said...

I have a cieling fan in my bathroom. I also have a GFCI plug. I have a cheap and drops all the time.

pickmefi... said...

as a fan that vents to open to the outside or the door when you shower

dipsydoo... said...

Ventilate. a door or window to air blades. no ventilation in the attic. Can decay.

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