Can you post liquids to America? alcohol? - jack daniels poker
I want to see my brother in the United States JD Series of Poker is alive, send it, but it has a small bottle of Jack Daniels small. Can I do that? This is a gift, but is fluid and most alcohol? Thank you:)
It is in fact part of the U.S. federal securities laws under 27 USC 122 does not, the USPS code. It is forbidden to alcohol to the states in the will of the state legislature ship. ...
According to the USPS website, you can not drink alcohol or boxes with labels of alcohol in the United States. Alcohol is one of the ships of the prohibited substances (eg dangerous U.S. Postal)
his own boat on the international borders.
In general, you can take if you (usually about 2 bottles) of customs, travel, but in fact the boat is the only legal way for a dealer in a country, ask them to bring it into Send a dealer to give to another country, then you have to choose your parents, a local liquor store.
Here are a safer (assuming / hoping that both are 21 +) are
Buy this for your site and have them sent directly to him.
Here are a safer (assuming / hoping that both are 21 +) are
Buy this for your site and have them sent directly to him.
The USPS refused to accept, a liquid containing more than 5% alcohol.
During the post and not try to board a plane with him, it must be very good.
During the post and not try to board a plane with him, it must be very good.
During the post and not try to board a plane with him, it must be very good.
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