Friday, February 19, 2010

Horizontal Lip Piercing Is It Possible To Have Both A Vertical Labret Piercing AND A Horizontal Lip Piercing At The Same Time?

Is it possible to have both a vertical labret piercing AND a horizontal lip piercing at the same time? - horizontal lip piercing

I've got my vertical labret pierced for almost a year, and I love him, but I am looking for a new piercing. I really want a horizontal lip pierced, but I will achieve my green. Lb. not. I searched everywhere on the Internet without success to find the answer to: Is it possible to have both?

If not, please suggest another single piercing I stay balanced?

In addition, I am not interested in the Medusa, a bridge or septum piercings.

1 comment:

funw/sha... said...

reg-center labret possible, but a horizontal holes on the surface of the lips, the problems would not be a good idea. even without the vertical, horizontal take rather too long.

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